
“Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it.”

1 Corinthians 12:27

Church isn’t a building, which is just as well because we don’t have one of our own (yet). Church is a community of people following Jesus and members of ours range in age from 0 to 90-something.

Our mission is to love God, his people and our community. That’s not just about our formal meetings. It’s about daily life too. It covers everything from catching up for coffee and a chat, to giving practical support, to organising events – like youth meet-ups – that bring people together for friendship, fun and to learn more about the Christian faith.

Serving one another

Jesus is the head of our Church. Our leaders serve him by serving us. But they can’t do it alone. If you’re keen to help and serve others there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.